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Corona 02 februari 2022

“Ieder mens heeft recht op een mening over de coronacrisis” zegt cartoonist Bob Moran

Redactie Blckbx
Lees meer over: Bob Moran Corona Trending Vaccin


Hier kan je discussiëren over het nieuws, vragen stellen en inhoudelijk iets bijdragen aan artikelen.

Mooi deze nuchtere focus op ethiek. Al die ethiek professionals in de instituten mogen hun ontslag indienen. Bizar dat er zó weinig focus op is geweest sinds het begin. (Emotionele) chantage viert hoogtij.


The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of ``Men who wanted
to be left alone``.
They know , that the moment they fight back , the lives as they have lived
are over:
Its a small form of suicide as they are literalli killing off who they used to be.
Which is why , when forced to take upviolence, these ``Men who wanted
to be left alone `` will fight with unholy vengance against those who
murdered their former lives.
They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who play-act
at politics and terror.
True terror will arrive at the Enemy`s door, and they willscream ,cry
,and beg for mercy, but it will fall on deaf ears.
For these men simply wanted to be left alone.

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